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Overseas Historical Archive

1. Overseas Historical Archive
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The Overseas Historical Archive (in portuguese, Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino) was founded on the , being currently supervised by the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IICT)1. By mission, the institute collects all the documental assets coming from the Portuguese ex-colonies.

The relations of with the other countries of Portuguese official language go back several centuries. The collection of the archive seeks to open a window to a period that goes from the 17th century until the time of the Revolução dos Cravos2. This revolution occurred on the , the time in which the Estado Novo3 regime fell and was implemented Democracy.

By curiosity, know that the collection of the archive reaches more than 16 Km in documentation and its library possesses nearly 31.000 books. If you like history and reading, this is one of the places to visit in the city of .

Translation references

  1. Tropical Scientific Research Institute
  2. Carnation Revolution
  3. New State

Map and Contacts

AddressCalçada da Boa Hora, 30, 1300-095 Lisboa, Portugal
GPS Coordinates38.699827,-9.190141
Telephone+351 213 616 330