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Medicine Museum

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The Medicine Museum (in portuguese, Museu de Medicina) is situated at the Hospital de Santa Maria1 and belongs to the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa2. This teaching institution was founded in and along its life were gathered a group of assets that comprises medical equipment, study models of the human body and real body parts coming from diverse institutes connected to the medical sciences.

Here, exerted big names of Portuguese medicine, highlighting António Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz, neurology teacher since the foundation of the faculty and winner of the Nobel Prize of Physiology in . This meed was attributed to Egas Moniz for having created a chirurgic technique in brain surgeries named Lobotomia3. Controversial and of irreversible side effects, it stopped being used in the sixties of the last century.

Formally created in , the Medicine Museum presented its first exhibition at the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga that was entitled Passagens - 100 Peças para o Museu de Medicina4. Currently, at the Hospital de Santa Maria1, it functions as an investigation pole for future professionals of the health branch.

The museum also lends pieces for temporary exhibitions performed in other places and became an important historical center to all medicine lovers.

Translation references

  1. Santa Maria's Hospital
  2. Medicine Faculty of Lisbon University
  3. Lobotomy
  4. Passages - 100 Pieces for the Medicine Museum

Map and Contacts

AddressAvenida Professor Egas Moniz, 1649-028 Lisboa, Portugal
GPS Coordinates38.748446,-9.160692
Telephone+351 217 985 153