You are the journey.
The Drop Everything is a travel blog to share with the world the quotidian of a Playocean life, reviews about the Beaches of Portugal.
Flows of thoughts which challenge us to be reborn...
And you, what are you?
Drop Everything • 29/06/2015
Rita's Indonesia

Drop Everything • 03/06/2015
I went to live in Thailand

Before dropping everything i had a life of stress, fears and senseless. Stress for every inherent problems of a so called normal life. Fears for being always on the edge of the abyss and never knowing of the money was enough to pay all the bills.
Logbook • 21/05/2015
The first conquest of freedom

We set to go undivided in search of ourselves with the absolute certainty of who was born. And that condition was enough to go. So much anger from the chains that the vessel was already whinnying against the quay for not being descendant of those who stay.
Most Recent
Flows • 23/04/2015
Diary of who dropped everything
So many fights and struggles against a society of castrating ones which tighten your lungs until they burst, squeezing clits and balls like pimples! And so, dies our inner animal. Dies the beast who is free. Is born one of everyone.
Reviews • 23/05/2015
Praia da Adiça Beach
There is a beach in the county of Almada, little known to the weekend confusions, which encloses such a beauty that who goes there has the will to strip the clothes just to feel the freedom. The sand is golden, the sea is blue. Enjoy and respect.